The principle of the Indonesian Red Cross service is the spirit of neutrality and independence, having a major role in providing safe, ready-to-use blood in sufficient quantities so that it can meet the demands of patients in need. The purpose of this activity is the implementation of blood donor activities in the community as an effort to maintain health. Activities in community service include health education and blood donation. The number of residents identified as registering to become blood donors was 61 people. After being screened by the Blood Transfusion Unit officers, 49 people were eligible to donate their blood. Public understanding of the importance of blood donation has increased and blood donation activities can be carried out smoothly as expected. People who cannot donate blood should be given an education
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Bela, G. S., Pusporini, L. S., Marwiyah, N. &, & Kuntarto, B. (2021). Gambaran Pengetahuan , Sikap , dan Tingkat Kecemasan Masyarakat tentang Kejadian Covid-19 di Lingkungan Perumahan Taman Banten Lestari Kota Serang Tahun 2020 The Depiction of Public Knowledge , Attitudes and Anxiety Level Regarding Covid- 19 Occurrence at. Faletehan Health Journal, 8(1), 42–50.
Danarsih, D. E., Purnamaningsih, N. A., & Susilo, T. D. E. (2022). Status Obesitas dan Kadar Kolesterol Darah pada Pendonor Darah Di Unit Donor Darah PMI Kabupaten Sleman. J-Dinamika, 15(2), 1–23.
Djuardi, A. M. P. (2020). Donor Darah Saat Pandemi COVID-19. Jurnal Medika Hutama, 02(01), 298–303.
Mangara, A., Lissanora, S. M., & Pardede, S. (2022). Edukasi Kesehatan Tentang Manfaat Donor Darah Pada Prajurit TNI AD Dalam Rangka Hut Kodam I/ Bukit Barisan. Jurnal Pendidikan Dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, 2(2), 108–112.
Novianingsih, R., Purnamaningsih, N. A., & Prahesti, R. (2022). Motivasi Donor Darah Pada Pendonor Sukarela Di Unit Donor Darah PMI Kabupaten Sleman Tahun 2021. Jurnal Sehat Mandiri, 17(1), 1–9.
Pongantung, H. Y., Toreh, P., Suparlan, M., Tuwohingide, Y., & Lengkong, G. (2022). Donor Darah Komunitas Remaja Dengan Tema “ Menjadi Saudara .” Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat MAPALUS Sekolah, 1(1), 26–34.
Septiana, D., Astuti, Y., & Barokah, L. (2021). Gambaran Karakteristik Pendonor Darah Yang Lolos Seleksi Donor Di Unit Transfusi Darah Palang Merah Indonesia. Jurnal Ilmiah Cerebral Medika, 3(2), 1–12.
Sudiwati, N. L. P. E., Susatia, B., Panggayuh, A., & Retnaningtyas, E. (2022). Mewujudkan Generasi Sehat Melalui Kegiatan Donor Darah Sebagai Gaya Hidup Remaja Di SMKN 2 Kota Malang. Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat: Kesehatan (JPKMK), 2.
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